Please contact the event organiser directly for details and to confirm dates & times

DanceFit / DanceFit Gold
Telephone: 01297625699

U3A General Meeting
University Of The Third Age (U3a)
General meeting for all U3A members with a ‘speaker’ to entertain all followed by time to socialise over tea and coffee. Anyone interested can come along to join U3A and see the variety of groups on offer. Must be a member to access these groups.

U3A Board Games
University Of The Third Age (U3a)
If you enjoy playing Rummikub, Scrabble, or other word games. Plenty of fun and laughter.

Free Spirit Taekwondo

DanceFit / DanceFit Gold
Telephone: 01297625699

Seated Yoga
Safely stretch and strengthen your body. Develop balance and inner focus. Improve your breathing and release stress. Enjoy all the benefits of Yoga from a chair! EveryBODY welcome, no need to book

Seaton Chess Club
Seaton Chess Club is a small and friendly group that meets in the Seaton Gateway on Wednesdays at 6.30pm from September to April. The club is always delighted to welcome new players, whether just for informal friendly games, or for more competitive play in the local leagues.

Free Spirit Taekwondo

U3A Photography
University Of The Third Age (U3a)
Members meet to share their photos from the trip earlier in the month. It’s an opportunity to talk about editing software and other topics.

Mandy’s Tea & Chat
Mandy’s Tea & Chat – Every Thursday Morning between 10am and 12pm – £2 Refreshments included

U3A Quiz Night
University Of The Third Age (U3a)
Members take it in turn to devise a quiz that is varied and interesting. Teams are usually made up of four people. Tea, coffee, and biscuits (mince pie at Christmas), are served at half time.
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