The Gateway Theatre Building is Temporarily Closed

Dear Friends and Supporters of the Gateway Theatre,

We apologise for not giving out detailed updates of the current situation at the Gateway as it has unfolded. Much of the correspondence between us and Seaton Town Council has been commercial in confidence. However, a great deal has happened behind the scenes. Whilst there remains issues to resolve, the most significant for which is additional funding, with the support of our Friends and the council we are optimistic that we can overcome these challenges.

We shall be holding  an open meeting so that we can fully inform you all (date to be announced) and, in the meantime, intend to attend the public council meeting tonight, 3rd February at 6pm at Marshlands,  to present questions in the spirit of an ongoing calm dialogue. We truly welcome the support of the community at this time and we just ask that you are respectful towards the council if you intend to ask questions.

Thank you all for your ongoing support and the acknowledgment of what a wonderful asset the theatre is to our lovely community.

Our deep appreciation,
The Board of Trustees,
Seaton Gateway Theatre.

The Noise Next Door - ‘Freewheeling’ | 7th February 2024

GREAT NEWS!! We are delighted to announce this show is going ahead at The Old Picture house. Tickets can be purchased here and all existing tickets remain valid and will transfer to the new venue. 

The Amazing Blues Brothers | 22nd February 2025

It is with regret, due to the closure of the theatre, that this show has been cancelled and will not go ahead. We will be in touch with ticketholders in the coming days.

Ferocious Dog | 29th March 2025

It is with deepest regret The Gateway Theatre announce the Ferocious Dog event has had to be cancelled due to the recent temporary closure of the theatre to complete essential maintenance. We are extremely sorry for the disappointment caused, and will be refunding ticket holders in the coming days. If you paid by cash, we will contact you to obtain your bank account details.

Further 2025 Events

We are contacting ticket holders directly on an event by event basis as soon as any arrangements/decisions have been made.